Friday, December 19, 2008

He's 3

Athina had his 3rd birthday party on his actual birthday, December 11th at Hog Wild in Russellville Ar.
In attendance were:
Athina, Caleb and Rylan
MeMe and Bart
Caleb's Mom, Dad and 2 brothers
Me,Morgan, Tori and Aunt Carol
Athina's grandmother Lillian
Aunt JJ and Uncle Jeremy

Ayden was running fever before it was all over, it put a damper on his fun but he still managed 2 pieces of cake! His favorite gift was from my sister, who like most others in our family were at work and unable to attend.

Friday, October 24, 2008

A toast raise your marshmallow sticks!

As I said the other day, I have a cute (to me) story that has to do with Ayden and his new found love Dr. Seuss.

He has been a fan of two of his books for some time now (Green Eggs and Ham and The Cat in The Hat) so we found the DVD of the "old school" cartoon versions that mimic the books to a "T" and quickly bought them for him.

On this particular DVD it has Green Eggs and Ham, The Sneetches, The Zax and A Grinch Halloween one that I don't remember ever seeing and also, it sucks.

So we bought it for Green Eggs and Ham, you have to buy Cat in the Hat separately, what a racket! Anyway, he loves loves loves Green Eggs and Ham and can quote it word for word at 2 1/2. GENUIS! But he also bought into The Sneetches.

Now if you don't remember, this is a Sneetch.

"Now the star bellied Sneetches had bellies with stars, but the plain bellied Sneetches had none upon thars!

I thought I would give you the full effect of what song I go through a zillion times a day. You are welcome, now I know I am not the only adult in the world with that song in my head!

Oh but not just THAT, NO, that would be too easy.

We have to have marshmallow sticks.

And it is CRUCIAL to have them at the ready as soon as that scene appears.

Wait for it...

It's almost time!!!!!!!!!

This is serious business!!!

If I could only have that kind of simple joy again! Life would be as sweet as 3 marshmallows on a Chinese Chopstick marshmallow stick!

Apparently the more the better!

And they taste even better if you snitch them from your brother and add them to your stick that was a straw because Nana doesn't let you have sticks yet, but wait?! What's that? You jacked the stick too while hiding behind the end table and smearing the lamp, the table and anything else on your whimsy to boot!

But dang if he don't look cute doing it!!

Well I am off to girl's night, I don't think we are going to raise our marshmallow sticks but we may raise a glass or two of orange daquiris and toss down a few fajitas, ALL WITHOUT DR. SEUSS in the background!

I am verklempt.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

County Fair revisited

Ayden in 2007 at 21 months

In 2008 at 34 months

Rylan at 2 months in 2007

At 14 months in 2008.

A lot changes in a year doesn't it?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our United States Marine Ooh Rah

Close up on graduation day of what I call his Marine face.

Dad helping with his seabags to take him home on leave. (He has 2 broken ribs, Perry wasn't about to let him do it, pretty funny when you think he just did the Crucible with broken ribs. LOL)

Heading to the aiport in San Diego to go HOME!

Family Day (on right) with his bunkmate.

Another Family Day shot

Ayden first night with Daddy. I don't think he is happy to see him! BWA HA HA (sidenote: when Cameron had to say goodbye to him Monday night, Ayden said "Daddy, will you be back in a minute?" Not a dry eye. Not one.

At home in his desert cammies

With boys the night before he left in civvies! LOL

Cameron had a really hard time saying so long to this one. He quickly became buddies again with his Daddy. It took about a day then it was like he never left.

Sending him back. :( This was harder than the first time but not as hard as deployment will be.

So long baby boy! See ya in November!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Look what I brought home!!

It is only for 10 days and is already more than half over. The world around me ceases to exist right now.
I got my baby back!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

He's still our Yankee Doodle Dandy

Happy birthday to my sweetest boy! It's been a heck of a year but I can't imagine the past year without you in it!

I love you, I love you, I love you!!

And Happy 4th of July to the rest of you!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

4 things

Whoops I missed last week but today would make the 3rd week so here goes.

This week I will blog about 4 exciting things happening this summer

1. Cameron graduates from USMC

2. Rylan turns 1.

3. Trip to San Diego which coincides with #1

4. Some house remodeling

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Four Things

Katie has challenged us to do 4 things once a week. It can be anything as long as it is 4 so here goes for this week.

Four faces that Ayden makes on a daily basis!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Beautiful Day

It was a gorgeous day so we took the boys with us to Owens Cemetary to clean off my Mother In Law's grave. Decoration is the first Sunday of May. I don't know about your neck of the woods but in ours, this is a day for everyone to put flowers and decorations on their loved ones graves. Many were there this past weekend for the pre-clean up.
They have church services and a big picnic. It is like a family and friend reunion. My Mother in law prepared for a month for the festivities every year so when she passed 8 years ago, my hubby and I decided to take up her part.

I took lots of pictures.

Beautiful scenic Hwy 7. We are about 80 miles from Mo.
Helping Papa pull weeds from Granny's resting spot.
The grave Ayden is standing by is my oldest (little) brother's childs. He died at birth. He would be 9 years old if he lived today.

Rylan hanging out in the shade.
This is an old country store, they specialize in canoe rentals to float the Buffalo. In the old days, Perry's grandfather was a guide. He got paid to drive folks vehicles to the end and then drove them back up.

I always get such a feeling of peace when we go up there. It continued all day and I really needed peace right now as many of you know.

We also went to the park in a little town east of the graveyard. I will save those for another entry.

This week Perry is on vacation so we are doing things around the yard and house then later in the week going on a few day trips, some of them with the boys. It will be Ayden's first trip to the Zoo. I am more excited than he, I am sure.

Blog Challenge #23

This one has to be done with numbers in some form.
Funny since lately I have been counting an awful lot.

7 days since he left for boot camp.
78 more days until I see him again.
79 more days until he graduates.
89 more days until he leaves again
121 days until he gets back.
122 days I will be a happy Mama again because he will be HOME.

Until they call him to Iraq anyway.

Then the numbers game starts again.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cute things found in my yard

Mountain Boxwood with a tiny little bee.

My man with a tiny little boy.

I love Spring days!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Little Charlotte she's as pretty as the angels when they SANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember that song??

Anyway, Ayden has been a lover of swinging since we first got him that 2nd hand Lil Tykes swing when he was a year old.
Now his little brother loves it almost as equally.

At least he doesn't cry when he has to get out...YET!!

We are fixing to buy swing #2, this is not working out!

Next post. "How to hunt Kittypillers with your host Ayden Newsted"

Blog challenge #22

This week we are supposed to do "blog things". Here are a few that looked like fun!

You Have Good Karma
In general, you like to do the right thing when it comes to others.
Your caring personality really shines through.
Sure, you have your moments of weakness - and occasionally act out.
But, all in all, you're karma is good... even with those few dark spots.

You Are 77% Grown Up, 23% Kid

Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.

Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy

In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh.

You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum.

Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho