As I said the other day, I have a cute (to me) story that has to do with Ayden and his new found love Dr. Seuss.
He has been a fan of two of his books for some time now (Green Eggs and Ham and The Cat in The Hat) so we found the DVD of the "old school" cartoon versions that mimic the books to a "T" and quickly bought them for him.
On this particular DVD it has Green Eggs and Ham, The Sneetches, The Zax and A Grinch Halloween one that I don't remember ever seeing and also, it sucks.
So we bought it for Green Eggs and Ham, you have to buy Cat in the Hat separately, what a racket! Anyway, he loves loves loves Green Eggs and Ham and can quote it word for word at 2 1/2. GENUIS! But he also bought into The Sneetches.
Now if you don't remember, this is a Sneetch.
"Now the star bellied Sneetches had bellies with stars, but the plain bellied Sneetches had none upon thars!
I thought I would give you the full effect of what song I go through a zillion times a day. You are welcome, now I know I am not the only adult in the world with that song in my head!
Oh but not just THAT, NO, that would be too easy.
We have to have marshmallow sticks.
And it is CRUCIAL to have them at the ready as soon as that scene appears.
Wait for it...
It's almost time!!!!!!!!!
This is serious business!!!
If I could only have that kind of simple joy again! Life would be as sweet as 3 marshmallows on a
Apparently the more the better!
And they taste even better if you snitch them from your brother and add them to your stick that was a straw because Nana doesn't let you have sticks yet, but wait?! What's that? You jacked the stick too while hiding behind the end table and smearing the lamp, the table and anything else on your whimsy to boot!
But dang if he don't look cute doing it!!
Well I am off to girl's night, I don't think we are going to raise our marshmallow sticks but we may raise a glass or two of orange daquiris and toss down a few fajitas, ALL WITHOUT DR. SEUSS in the background!
I am verklempt.